Meet our Team

Principal Investigator
Dr. Alison Ventura is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Public Health at Cal Poly. She is also the Director of the Cal Poly Healthy Kids Lab and Associate Director for Research Training and Fellowship for the Cal Poly Center for Health Research. She holds degrees in Psychology, Nutrition, and Human Development & Family Studies.

Dr. Julie Lumeng is a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics in the Medical School and the Department of Nutritional Sciences in the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan. She holds an MD and is trained as a developmental and behavioral pediatrician.

Dr. Brandon T. McDaniel is a family scientist, research scientist at the Parkview Mirro Center for Research and Innovation, and nationally recognized expert on the impacts of technology use on children and families. He also regularly engages in community education in the promotion of healthy digital habits.

Dr. Alison Miller is a developmental psychologist and Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education based in the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan. She is an expert in early childhood development and studies individual child, family, and social-contextual factors as influences on child health and well-being. She has conducted research on early-life stress and child self-regulation in relation to mental health, eating behavior and obesity, sleep, media use, and physical activity, with a focus on how parenting and social determinants of health also shape child functioning in these areas. A goal of her work is to apply developmental science perspectives and findings to inform community-, school- and/or family-based interventions seeking to promote child development and well-being and reduce health inequities.

Dr. Suzanne Phelan is a Professor in the Department of Kinesiology & Public Health and Director of the Center for Health Research. She is a clinical health psychologist with research interests in lifestyle interventions to promote healthy weight management in the time surrounding pregnancy and beyond.
Project Manager
Casey Heaney is a project manager with the Healthy Kids Lab and Center for Health Research. She has a Master's degree in Public Policy from Cal Poly. She has worked in project management in the non-profit and public sector for over 15 years. She has most enjoyed her work in public health with young families.
Research Assistant
Karla Ceja Almontes is a Research Assistant with the Cal Poly Healthy Kids Lab and Center for Health Research.

Research Assistant
Rubi Solano Bahena is a Research Assistant with the Cal Poly Healthy Kids Lab and Center for Health Research.

Research Assistant
Heidi Shaw is a Research Assistant with the Cal Poly Healthy Kids Lab and Center for Health Research.

Graduate Research Assistant
Vivian is a Nutrition graduate student at Cal Poly with a particular interest in maternal and child health and public health. After graduation, she hopes to become a registered dietitian and work with mothers and children in clinical, community, or research settings.